Bookings for the huts of the Icelandic Glaciological Society, and access to the hut keys, are handled by: „jorfiskalar (at)“. The current booking status for the huts can be seen in the calendar on this page. Requests for bookings shall be made using the form at the bottom of this page, but further inqueries can be sent with the same form or to the e-mail address above.
Following is the price for overnight stay in the huts of the society. It gives the price per person, per night, and is valid for the year 2022. Prices are updated in January every year.
Hut Members Not members Space for
Grímsfjall 4.500 6.500 30-34
Jökulheimar 4.000 6.000 40-48
Esjufjöll 3.500 5.500 12
Other huts 2.500 4.500 12
When booking it important to give the name of who is booking, address and number of guests. Information regarding how to pay will be sent as an reply to the booking inquiry.
Information regarding access to the huts will be sent when confirmation of payment has been received, but is also available from following contact persons:
Eiríkur……………s:855 0000 |
Garðar……………s:893 0785 |
Sverrir…………..s:892 4985 |